
Latest version: v2.0.5

Safety actively analyzes 621420 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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🧰 Maintenance

- Fix CI (28)
- Add shellcheck to CI (27)
- Move examples to their own folder (26)
- Replace Makefile with bash scripts (25)
- Add categories to release drafter (24)


* Add GitHub Action to create and publish a release
* Update mypy requirement from ^0.740 to ^0.761 (21)
* Updated pytest to 5.3.5
* Update pre-commit requirement from ^1.20.0 to ^2.0.1 (23)
* Update pydocstyle requirement from ^4.0.1 to ^5.0.2 (19)
* Remove python-socketio and python-engineio from test requirements
* Add codespell to pre-commit (18)
* Modernize test and fixture framework (17)
* Speed up CI (16)
* Add more repos to pre-commit + include bandit (15)


* Updated Makefile
* Migrate from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions (14)
* Move from pipenv to virtualenv + poetry (13)
* Officially support Python 3.8 (12)


* Fix bug where requests with generic errors wouldn't be retried (11)


* Add retry logic (10)


* Add Python 3.6-style variable type annotations (9)
* Switch to f-strings (and remove support for Python 3.5.3) (8)

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