
Latest version: v0.1.8

Safety actively analyzes 621562 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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What's changed?

- :arrow_up: Bump dependencies
- :bug: Minor bugfixes and typos
- :alien: Add new `cries` attribute to `Pokemon`
- :white_check_mark: Add support for Python 3.12


What's changed?

- :arrow_up: Bump dependencies
- :hammer: :white_check_mark: Fix pytest-asyncio warnings
- :alien: Add new `past_abilities` attribute to `Pokemon`


What's changed?

- :bug: Every case of objects that may be null should be taken care of
- :label: Fix some typehints
- :arrow_up: Bump dependencies
- :recycle: Rework sprites
- :white_check_mark: Add tests for sprites
- :zap: Slight speed increase
- :heavy_minus_sign: Remove support for python3.7, due to end of life

What's changed?

- :twisted_rightwards_arrows: :bug: Merge 55 and 52, fixing a few bugs
- ⬆️ Bump some dependencies


What's changed?

- :test_tube: Add tests for python 3.11
- :bug: Fix 51
- :alien: Fix tests link (
- :wrench: Update pre-commit versions
- :arrow_up: Bump some dependencies


What's changed?

- :ambulance: Fix file structure and file references, to fix import issues.
- :truck: `aiopoke` -> `src/aiopoke`

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