
Latest version: v0.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 621825 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New features:

* Support static membership protocol, `KIP-345`_ (issue 680, pr 941 by
patkivikram and joshuaherrera)

.. _KIP-345:


* Fix extra dependencies (issue 952)



New features:

* Include `kafka-python` into `aiokafka`'s code base (issue 928 and others)
* Replace `python-snappy` and `zstandard` with `cramjam` (issue 930)
* PEP518 compliant `pyproject.toml`
* Python 3.12 support


* Fix type annotation for `ConsumerRecord` (pr 912 by zschumacher)
* Improve send performance (issue 943)

Improved Documentation:

* Fix `AbstractTokenProvider.token` example (pr 919 by mtomilov)



New features:

* Drop support for Python 3.7 due to end of life (pr 893)


* Add SASL authentication support to `AIOKafkaAdminClient` (issue 889,
pr 890 by selevit)

Improved Documentation:

* Update `security_protocol` argument docstring (issue 883, pr 884 by
* Remove incorrect `await` for `AIOKafkaConsumer.highwater()` (pr 858 by



New features:

* Add codec for ZStandard compression (KIP-110) (pr 801)
* Add basic admin client functionality (pr 811 started by gabriel-tincu)
* Drop support for Python 3.6, add support and pre-built packages for Python
3.10 (pr 841)


* Fix `KeyError` on solitary abort marker (issue 781, pr 782 by pikulmar)
* Fix handling unsupported compression codec (issue 795)
* Handled other SASL mechanism in logging (issue 852, pr 861 by mangin)

Improved Documentation:

* Fix documentation on how to install optional features (issue 645)
* Improve the rendering of the documentation (pr 722 by multani)
* Fix `MyRebalancer` example in `docs/consumer.rst` (pr 731 by aamalev)




* Fix `CancelledError` handling in sender (issue 710)
* Fix exception for weakref use after object deletion (issue 755)
* Fix consumer's `start()` method hanging after being idle for more than
`max_poll_interval_ms` (issue 764)

Improved Documentation:

* Add `SASL_PLAINTEXT` and `SASL_SSL` to valid values of security protocol
attribute (pr 768 by pawelrubin)




* Allow group coordinator to close when all brokers are unavailable (issue 659
and pr 660 by dkilgore90)
* Exclude `.so` from source distribution to fix usage of sdist tarball
(issue 681 and pr 684 by ods)
* Add `dataclasses` backport package to dependencies for Python 3.6
(pr 690 by ods)
* Fix initialization without running loop (issue 689 and pr 690 by ods)
* Fix consumer fetcher for python3.9 (pr 672 by dutradda)
* Make sure generation and member id are correct after (re)joining group.
(issue 727 and pr 747 by vangheem)


* Add deprecation warning when loop argument to AIOKafkaConsumer and
AIOKafkaProducer is passed. It's scheduled for removal in 0.8.0 as a
preparation step towards upcoming Python 3.10 (pr 699 by ods)

Improved Documentation:

* Update docs and examples to not use deprecated practices like passing loop
explicitly (pr 693 by ods)
* Add docstring for Kafka header support in `Producer.send()` (issue 566 and
pr 650 by andreportela)

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