
Latest version: v1.1.0

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- Support `UseKeychain` option ([189]( ([ocean90](
- Support `ConnectTimeout` option ([132](
- `.ssh/config`: Wrap long comments to avoid syntax errors ([191](
- Fix integers output in `assh config list` ([181](
- Initial graphviz support ([32](
- Remove case-sensitivity for `Inherits` and `Gateways` ([178](
- Loads hosts from `~/.ssh/assh_known_hosts` file when calling `assh config build`, can be ignored using `--ignore-known-hosts` ([178](
- Add `assh config graphviz --show-isolated-hosts` flag
- Fix nil dereference when calling `assh config serach` without providing needle
- Add [sprig]( helpers to the template engine ([206](
- Improve readability of `assh config list` ([203](
- Add support for the `AddKeysToAgent` key ([210]( ([bachya](
- OpenBSD support ([182](
- Improve hostname output in `assh config list` ([204](
- Support for inline comments ([34](
- Initial support of values validation to avoid writing invalid .ssh/config file ([92](
- Alpha version of the webapp ([69](

[Full commits list](


- Support multiple string arguments of the same type on `assh wrapper ssh` ([185](
- Remove the `NoControlMasterMkdir` option, and add the `ControlMasterMkdir` option instead ([173](
- Accepting string or slices for list options ([119](
- Add new `PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes` OpenSSH 7+ field ([175](
- Gracefully report an error when calling assh without configuration file ([171](
- Fix `written bytes` calculation ([quentinperez](
- Add template functions: `json`, `prettyjson`, `split`, `join`, `title`, `lower`, `upper`
- Support of `BeforeConnect`, `OnConnect`, `OnConnectError` and `OnDisconnect` hooks
- Support of `write`, `notify` and `exec` hook drivers
- Add `assh config json` command
- Add `assh config {build,json} --expand` option
- Round the hook's `ConnectionDuration` variable value

[Full commits list](


- Fix panic in `assh wrapper` ([157](

[Full commits list](


- Add a control socket manager `assh sockets {list,flush,master}` ([152](
- Add a `assh --config=/path/to/assh.yml` option
- Add storm-like `assh config list` and `assh config search {keyword}` commands ([151](
- Add an optional `ASSHBinaryPath` variable in the `assh.yml` file ([148](
- Rename `assh proxy -> assh connect`
- Hide `assh connect` and `assh wrapper` from the help
- Support built-in ssh netcat mode, may fail with older SSH clients ([146](

[Full commits list](


- Add wrapper and `known_hosts` support to handle _advanced patterns_ ([122](
- Add build information in .ssh/config header ([49](
- Add Autocomplete support ([48](
- Initial `Aliases` support ([133](
- Use args[0] as ProxyCommand ([134](
- Add `NoControlMasterMkdir` option to disable automatic creation of directories for gateways ([124](
- Fix: Allow `$(...)` syntax in the `ResolveCommand` function ([117](
- Printing the error of a failing `ResolveCommand` ([117](
- Fix: `Gateways` field is no longer ignored when the `HostName` field is present ([102](
- Ignore SIGHUP, close goroutines and export written bytes ([112]( ([QuentinPerez](
- Various documentation improvements ([ashmatadeen](, [loliee](, [cerisier](
- Support of new SSH configuration fields (`AskPassGUI`, `GSSAPIClientIdentity`, `GSSAPIKeyExchange`, `GSSAPIRenewalForcesRekey`, `GSSAPIServerIdentity`, `GSSAPITrustDns`, `KeychainIntegration`)

[Full commits list](


- Avoid exiting when an included file contains errors ([95](
- Anonymize paths in `assh info`
- Support of `assh proxy --dry-run` option
- Fix: do not resolve variables in hostnames twice ([103](

[Full commits list](

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