
Latest version: v1.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 619231 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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586c912 Add releasing new version steps to CONTRIBUTING.md
b89d622 Execute 1build from specified configuration file (199)
4963786 Research Paper setup for Journal of Open Source Software (191)
4ef9066 Support interactive commands (198)

🚀 Added

- Execute 1build from specified configuration file (199) gopinath-langote
- Support interactive commands (198) gopinath-langote

📦 Changed

- Execute 1build from specified configuration file (199) gopinath-langote
- Support interactive commands (198) gopinath-langote


adeepak7, gopinath-langote and gopinath.langote



4b221f6 1build project setup in 1build config
63a3e6d Add awesome banner
8268864 Add ko-fi to readme
a039389 Added delete config file command
7b49792 Bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 (183)
46175e9 Create FUNDING.yml
a29365c Delete CHANGELOG.md
268f54b Extract color printing to utility
de786fe Feature/flag quiet (185)
31f64e8 Fix checking for invalid names used in unset (180)
58aeb47 Formatting fix
b72acf1 Set/Unset Before/After steps
467ef74 Test without color formatting
e27f735 Update Changelog page
1074acb Update FUNDING.yml
ac9214c Update README.md
ba45355 Update README.md
d7ee693 Update README.md
9c56a66 Update go dependencies
c1be561 Update tap name
16e5ed1 add Homebrew installation instruction to README



- Contributors list to readme (173) gopinath-langote
- fix lint issues for markdown files (169) themayurkumbhar
- Auto releaser (149) gopinath-langote
- Update version in change-log draft (150) gopinath-langote
- Auto comment bot (146) gopinath-langote

🚀 Added

- Print total results banner at the end of execution (160) budevg
- Add phase banners to the tops of each phase (157) ian-howell

📦 Changed

- Pretty print exec results (164) gopinath-langote
- Fix typo errors (153) boonwj
- Unset multiple commands at once (147) boonwj
- Release drafter (152) gopinath-langote
- Add contributors in release drafter (151) gopinath-langote
- Auto releaser (148) gopinath-langote


boonwj, budevg, gopinath-langote, ian-howell and themayurkumbhar



5c59050 Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 (124)
53af686 Fix go-lint issues - 137
c9de5a7 Fixes error message and formats command line output (139)
87980c1 Go mod fix
ac2fefb Go module tidy
5705caf Introduce github action workflow
21fbe18 Lint fix
03a75de Move to go module from dep
db712c4 Move to go module from dep
36bd29c Run GitHub workflow (CI/CD) on mac and ubuntu
b718afc Set gomodule to on
5544687 Update contribution to not include go-modules info and remove dep
3990474 Update readme with slack chat button (126)
b10abc7 Update slak invite link
6484839 Upgrade go version
dddc9bf go test lock dependencies
8dbfb1d lint fix
115432a typo fix
314500b v1.2.0 add to latest release
d84acfa v1.2.0 changelog

More can be found here: [Changelog](https://github.com/gopinath-langote/1build/blob/master/docs/CHANGELOG.md#v120--2019-07-28--linked-issues)




- Execute multiple 1build commands in one go
- Bump pytest version from 4.6.3 to 5.0.1 – [changelog](https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/blob/master/CHANGELOG.rst#pytest-501-2019-07-04)
- Bump ruamel-yaml from 0.15.100 to 0.16.0






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